
LP Chapter 21

Page history last edited by Volkes_Wagon 14 years, 8 months ago

Another One


     "What? Wait, slow down, kid, what's going on out there?" Kucabara crawled out of the splintered wood, leaning awkwardly on his good leg.

     "There he is! Come on, go, get on the horse, I almost got an arrow stuck through me, let's go!!" Kake ran along the road towards Angel City, frantically beckoning for the bewildered group to follow. Kuchiha was in shock.

     "You normally see that kid actually running when he's supposed to?"

     "Depends on what you mean by supposed to."


     Runo ordered Jay to ride on the horse with Kucabara and dragged Merl onto the Sheemah.

     "Get Kake on the Sheemah, too. Whether I like it or not, we've got to go. They're moving pretty fast--hopefully because they're riding Sheemahs."

     "Hey! Would someone tell me who 'they' are!?"

     "Just go."

     At his word, Violet and the Sheemah immediately charged after Kake. Kuchiha was forced to dash after them, sloshing grudgingly through the mud. When she caught up with Kake, the riders had long overtaken him, and he was completely out of breath.

     "Hey, Kake, if I help you now you'll have to pay me!" She lifted him up by the bag of leather strapped to his back.

     "Eh!? But--But--I'll be nice!"

     "...Whaddo you mean by that? I'm saying have a taste of your own medicine, idiot." In a flash she was beside the Sheemah and tossing Kake unceremoniously on top of a panic-striken Merl. "Think of something better than being nice while I'm gone!"
     Kuchiha leaped into the trees, the rift now noticably smaller. The spot the Minister had been ambushed was evidently chosen for the high surrounding cliffs, the perfect place to shoot down unsuspecting foes. She glanced at the road for Runo.

     "Hey, why're you running so slow!!? Lead-feet!!!"

     "I don't have lead feet!! I'm being the rear guard, a rear guard!"

     "Yeah, right. Now answer my question, Ruru!!"


     "Who're we running from again!!?"

     "Merl's higher-ups."

     "...What about them?"

     "Were you listening to the conversation!! They're the Navi!! The guy that got away last time went and told, and now there's a whole army of Navi after us!"

     "Then where're we going!!? Why aren't we fighting them!!?"

     "Not even a she-wolf can beat that many, are you crazy!? We're going back to the City; you should go ask Kake how his trip went. Hopefully we can have the city's backup."

     "Hey. Don't go ordering me around like a dog. And if you do, at least do it with some grace. The name's Kuchiha."

     "And my name's Runo. Pleased to meet you, slave dog. Now run along and do as your master says."

     "I AM NOT A SLAVE DOG!!!"

     "Oh, is that so--"

     The humming of an arrow cut his reply short. Kuchiha instinctively jerked away from the sound; Runo went towards it. "M!!! Duck!!!" [M duck...? i wish kucabara had a pet duck...]

     There wasn't time to think. Before Kuchiha could realize that Violet was shrieking and trying to slam her two riders flat onto her back, the arrow had hit Jay and knocked him onto the ground.

     "Jay!! Jay!!"


     "It aimed at his eye--"

     "Wait, his hair's falling off, how's his hair falling off!? Did it get his scalp!??"

     "Eh!? What happened--"

     "Hey! Hey, guys!" Merl leaped off the Sheemah and dashed towards the cliff, flailing his arms and laughing hysterically. "It's me, Merl!! Took you--"

     Another subtle hissing sound, so soft compared to the howling of the storm, and the second arrow was sticking out of Merl's back. Runo uttered a quiet curse and grabbed him by the arm. 

     "Toothbrush, toothbrush, toothbrush!!! Another one, and this time we're the target!!" Another silver streak shot towards Kuchiha. She hissed and knocked it aside effortlessly, her eyes seeking some sort of refuge. The archers seemed to decide that picking off their targets one by one wouldn't do anymore, and a barrage of arrows ensued. Unlike the first Navi attack, the downpour came thick and fast, preventing anyone from running away. Not that she had planned to, anyways. Her Wsword was making stars in the air; she wasn't about to let anyone else get hit. "We've gotta get under cover!! Ruru, any ideas!!?"

     "What do you mean ideas!? There's only one place to hide, and that's the forest!!"

     "Then let's go!!!"
     "You crazy!? I told you already there's at least fifty Sheemahs on each side, the whole army's gathered here. Out best bet's to try to make it to Angel City!" He dragged Merl to where Jay was and stopped in his tracks. "...Jay?"

     There was a lull in the barrage of arrows, and Kuchiha was able to see how he was for the first time. He was kneeling on the ground, hands over head so that she couldn't see his face, blood pouring from the side of his forehead...Wait. That wasn't Jay. Jay had black hair. This person's hair was...

     "A Blue Rider! Cool!" Kake leaned forward on the Sheemah excitedly. "I only heard of them in horror stories! Does he have red eyes? Does he?"

     "Kid. You're acting like a dimwitted cuckoo [0 - 0 tell me before you change things, plz. but thanks, anyways] bird. Help me off, will you?"

     Runo hefted the injured Minister off the horse. "The arrows stopped."

     "Blue...Blue Rider?" Merl looked up weakly and stared at Jay. "I thought they were all dead."

     All the while Jay sat still, covering himself as if expecting a blow to come any moment. Kuchiha kicked the old Jay's hair. The wig sank into the mud.

     "Hey, let's move it while we can. Who knows when the next arrow'll come? Stop moping around, Jay, if there's still brains left in that teeny head of yours get up and go." For once her voice didn't raise.

     Jay didn't move, and Kucabara approached him, speaking quietly. She turned, muttering irritably, and caught a flash of white in the corner of her eye. A Navi, face painted half-white with red and brown stripes, stepped out of the concealing vegetation.

     "Woah, what!? Hey!! You, what're you doing!!!?" Kucabara snapped to attention at her voice, and the Navi bowed daintily.

     "Hello, dear audience, how are you?"

     "About to chop your head off, that's what." Kuchiha shifted her katana to glint in the gray light.

     The Navi smiled sweetly in reply. "There is one in the crowd whom I'd like to speak to. The Blue Rider Jay, son of Ryuu [japanese for Dagon. japanese's cool, okay!? *sigh...manga and anime's left too deep an imprint in my mind...], if I am not mistaken?" Jay raised his head for the first time, and the silvery blue hair parted. His eyes were blood red. "My apologies for injuring you. I take full responsibility for the rashness of my division. You tribe was closely tied with mine, as I'm sure you remember, and as the last surviving member it would pain us to see you hurt in any way. Now that your identity has been made clear, please let my division sub-captain accompany you to our home, out of harm's way."

     Kuchiha hadn't followed her words at all. "Wait. You mean you're gonna kidnap him!? And what's up with the whole Blue Riders thing, they some kind of--"

     "Red-eyed devil." Runo stood beside her, voice lowered so that Jay wouldn't hear. "The Blue Riders is a warring tribe. They ride on horses, not Sheemahs, and shoot down with arrows everything they see that isn't an ally. Before they were wiped out by the enemies they'd made in their exploits, they terrorized the entire South."

     "And how'd you know that?"

     "Someone told me about a red-eyed devil, so I poked around to find it. They call me a demon tamer for a reason. And looks like I finally found him." He looked at Jay appraisingly.

     "What do you plan to do after taking Jay to your home?" Kucabara kept his eyes on the Navi, crouched in a cautious stance.

     "No, don't worry, we won't do anything to him. He will simply have a proper home for the first time since you burned down his village."

     "Kucabara," Jay whispered.

     "We saw the whole thing, young Minister. You lit every single home affire, burning the Blue Riders in their rags, and you tell us it was a forest fire. Ever since we have been watching you, waiting for a chance to avenge our fellow tribe. Did you think that the peace treaty we signed so many years ago would still hold fast after we witnessed the terrible massacre of the innocent Blue Riders? Forest fire, indeed!"

     "Tell her to stop."

     "You can't force him to live with you, Navi! Try all you can, but Angel City's his home, and unless you run us all over with a bulldozer you can't destroy it!"

     "That pile of geese his home? How could we allow him, the last of the Blue Riders, to live under the same roof as such murdererous bigots? Excuse my language; stage props are necessary to convey the truth. Would you like a sample of our knowledge? Your father was the previous Minister, and you would have inherited the office, when suddenly your uncle returned from his travels and became next in line. In desperation, you poisoned your own father and acted as his substitute in the business to prove your worth. Your greed could not wait, and you took over the office before your father had even stepped down. If Angel City's Minister is so corrupt, how can my dear friend ever breath fresh air in your streets? The town reeks so of demonic thoughts."

     "Kucabara!" Jay wailed.

     "Don't you dare say another word!"

     "Come with us, Souiryuu. It is your birthright, and your family's wish, for you to grow and prosper as you were meant to, not to stoop your back all day cleaning Sheemah stalls. Souiryuu, all Blue Riders are superior to Navi in every aspect. Nothing will ever harm you, betray you, anger you, where we will lead you to. Come, and be our king."


Table of Contents

Chapter 20

Chapter 22

Comments (23)

Sweeten101 said

at 7:36 am on Jun 1, 2010

u no, v, u shouldn't b lecturing me about the fact that i hav a ruff draft on the site wen u hav random parentheses in the story that r completely irrelevent to the story.

Volkes_Wagon said

at 6:04 pm on Jun 1, 2010

well at least you know they're not supposed to be there. - __ - er...(is trying to make an excuse)
they're basically my comments. they're in all my story things. so...how *do* you spell coocoo bird?

Sweeten101 said

at 7:51 am on Jun 2, 2010

and theyre not supposed to be there
theyre supposed to be in the comments in the bottom
try that and then i mite not be so mad at you
and this wuz going to be our talk but u avoided me yesterday afterschool...

Mokona Go said

at 8:32 am on Jun 2, 2010

if they're in the story, you get the context in which they appear, and it doesn't waste a bunch of comments.

Volkes_Wagon said

at 8:43 am on Jun 2, 2010

yay! defend me, mokona~ <3
no, really...*did I spell coocoo right*!?

Sweeten101 said

at 3:46 pm on Jun 2, 2010

as long as u hav those there, then, ur not allowed to criticize me on the way i do my rough drafts!!!

Volkes_Wagon said

at 4:14 pm on Jun 2, 2010

this is different. like i said, at least mine you know they're not supposed to be there. i can read through it as if it were the final draft by ignoring the little bracket-prarenthesis. but yours, there's no way to really peer-edit it.

Mokona Go said

at 4:24 pm on Jun 2, 2010

ummm... sweeten, this is a totally different case.
what's IDK?

Volkes_Wagon said

at 4:48 pm on Jun 2, 2010

i don't know. idk's short for i don't know

Ava Knight said

at 5:26 pm on Jun 2, 2010

cuckoo bird.
Its spelled cuckoo.
And give it a rest with the fighting, too

Sweeten101 said

at 7:37 pm on Jun 2, 2010

i dont care if u correct spelling or u don't like the way i sed something, like i did with a, but this is how i do my rough draft, so you can't really criticize it. that's just my way of doing it.

Volkes_Wagon said

at 9:14 pm on Jun 3, 2010

i'm not criticizing you, fleur. and ava, no, i will not give it a rest with the fighting (though actually the next arc has, like, one action scene and no blood, since i want to take it easy on their first day in the Path of Angels and Demons). this is shounen, and fighting's the lifeblood of shounen. besides, action's fun and the easiest way to say: "THIS IS THE CLIMAX!!!"
*cough. continueing with the list...
Bleach. Where the Wild Things Are [sort of]. The House of the Scorpion [did i already say that...?].

Ava Knight said

at 8:30 pm on Jun 4, 2010

i meant, you two stop fighting
i have no control over Kuchiha, Ruru, and Co (Kake doesn't really fight, so he doesn't count)

Volkes_Wagon said

at 9:44 pm on Jun 4, 2010

ack. misunderstandings. i hate those.
ah, he will. technically, he's been fighting the whole time....

Volkes_Wagon said

at 9:45 pm on Jun 4, 2010

HEY! YOU CALLED HIM RURU! XD ruruu~ hear that~?

Sweeten101 said

at 10:42 pm on Jun 4, 2010

Scarlet has officially left me. She has halted her story, and will not tell me anymore. She's probably off to tell it to someone else. *sigh*

Delilah has taken her place, and she will not leave me...

Volkes_Wagon said

at 10:45 pm on Jun 4, 2010

nice. i love disobedient characters, but only when they're disobedient to people besides myself...
agh why does this have so many comments!? let's move the conversation to somewhere else, if this is even considered a conversation. the comment page's getiing dusty.

Sweeten101 said

at 9:48 am on Jun 5, 2010

it's only 18 comments...
(ps: including this one)

Volkes_Wagon said

at 5:01 pm on Jun 19, 2010

if i have to scroll more than twice to reach the bottom, it's a lot.
The Lord of the Rings [did i already say that?] trilogy. Liar Game. and i'm warning you, i totally took something from Fairy Tail. the plot's spinning out of my head now, and Fairy Tail's almost as important as One Piece.

Sweeten101 said

at 12:32 pm on Jun 21, 2010

i hav to scroll 2 1/2 times to get to the bottom, but thats including your story
without the story i only scroll 1 1/4 times...

Mokona Go said

at 12:42 pm on Jun 21, 2010

I have to scroll 43 times for mind control on word, 8 times on aks.

Volkes_Wagon said

at 2:07 pm on Jun 21, 2010

from where the comments start on this, now i have to scroll down 4 1/2 times. i say that's a lot.

Sweeten101 said

at 10:54 am on Jun 23, 2010

1 1/2. ur mouse is messed up...

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