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Crying Waves

Page history last edited by teatime 13 years, 10 months ago

Sinking slowly, by starlight

A weary ship that lost her fight

No more to stream, safe and proud

The cries of the dying will be loud


No caution or fear upon her prow   

How she sank I'll tell you now

No more to stream, safe and proud

Drowning cries will soon be loud


Late at night, an iceberg gleamed

By an unsinkable ship, or so she seemed

No more to stream, safe and proud

The iceberg's punch was awful, loud


Now water, cold water, icy and cruel

Filled the ship, who lost this duel

No more she'll stream, safe and proud   

Mourn, for ship's tears are loud 


Flee who can, but still not all

The number of lifeboats is too small

No more to stream, safe and proud

All who sailed will mourn and loud 


She sank, broke, two halves at last

Those in the water, they froze so fast

No more to stream, safe and proud

The silence of death seemed so loud


So sank the unsinkable, the swift Titan   

Titanic, who sank with many a woman and man

No more she streams, safe and proud

Her memories, though, still weep aloud

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