
Thoughts about running

Page history last edited by Mokona Go 13 years, 4 months ago


I hate running. everything about it is insane: the fast, hard workouts, the slow death workouts, even the awful out-and-backs. I am crazy for even attempting this. Running is the worst sport ever and I never want to push myself to exhaustion ever again.  XP


I LOVE running! Everything about it is amazing: the thrill of the race, the hard workouts that tire you to the point of fainting, the extreme muscle building, the speed! I yearn for the feeling of wind rushing through my hair, my breaths deep and labored, sweat pouring off my skin as I fly around the track. Anyone who runs is the luckiest person in the world. There is no way I will ever stop running.   :)


Yes, these are actually thoughts. I switch off every other day.

I still don't know WHY I hate it and love it.




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Memories fade, new pain ignites

wistful dawn and decaying night

the sweat of labor, the young heart's plight

none can remain within my sight


For the fight goes on without a rest

I am torn and broken to become the best

there is no solace in this unforgiving test

but life hastens to throw the next jest


Time is forgotten, the past is in place

fate is forgiving, but life is a race

the pounding continues and quickens the pace

the moments now gone are slowly replaced


the sun brings madness and the prospect of pain

Shadows leave heartbreak and crimson blood's stain

night is a comfort, where the broken are lain

a memory's dark tomb, the enemy's domain.


you probably don't understand it. It's about running. I wrote the first stanza while doing a long, boring trail today. 


I can't decide whether to shoot for >26 or >24 min tomorrow. 



Comments (5)

Mokona Go said

at 5:48 pm on Apr 8, 2011

Volkes_Wagon said

at 6:19 pm on Apr 8, 2011

i think that's cuz it's a love-hate relationship...like me and writing...

Volkes_Wagon said

at 7:18 pm on Sep 9, 2011

just shoot for the best.

Mokona Go said

at 3:24 pm on Sep 11, 2011

I ended up getting a 25:37

Volkes_Wagon said

at 10:49 pm on Sep 13, 2011

see? hahah. no need to choose XD

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